The winter solstice, December 21, marks the rebirth of the Sun in its journey through the year on Earth. The Sun (Surya) at a yogic level represents our inner Self (Atman) as the Divine Light in yogic symbolism. The Sun at the winter solstice is its child form, which is Agni, the flame of the sacred fire. That small Divine Flame grows and expands through the increasing length of the days to the Summer Solstice and its highest light.
This movement from the small flame to the vast Sun symbolizes our karmic journey from darkness to light, from the shadowy material world to the boundless light of universal consciousness. Sacred fires can be enkindled at any time, but are especially powerful during this renewal time of the year.
Agni as the Divine Child
Agni at the winter solstice indicates the birth of the Divine Child of Light. He is equated with Skanda, the second son of Shiva and Parvati, who has the nature of fire and removes all the forces of darkness. Agni symbolizes our inner flame or Consciousness (Chidagni), the Jivatman, our reincarnating being we can contact on this date.
The time of the winter solstice as that of the sacred fire is celebrated with many sacred fire rituals throughout the world, particularly in indigenous cultures. Agni is the messenger to the Devas and directs our communication with them.
Honoring Your Sacred Fire
There are many ways for us to honor your own sacred fire. This can be as simple as burning a special fire outdoors at night. Traditional cultures have their special sacred community fires. In the Vedic tradition there are many sacred fires, yajnas and havans, some performed in elaborate ways. Such fires are built with special wood and given special offerings like ghee along with special mantras.
You can simply light an oil or ghee lamp, or candles. But remember to honor the sacred fire on this transformation time of the year. Energize the flame with your intentions, what you aim to achieve for the year ahead, not just outer gains but in terms of inner realization, insight, creativity and illumination.
We should make inner fire offerings into our flame of consciousness within us. We can visualize the Agni in the root chakra and draw it up to the spine to become the Sun at the top of the head. We can use the mantra OM on inhalation to draw the Agni up to the top of the head. Then we can use the mantra HREEM on exhalation taking it down to rest in the spiritual heart.
May your inner Agni awaken in this season of renewal! May your flame of higher aspiration rise up to new heights.
May you connect to all the Agnis within you of body, prana, senses, mind, intelligence and consciousness.
May you connect to all the Agnis of nature as fire, lightening, sun, moon, stars, and the secret lights hidden in the plants, minerals, and every aspect of the universe!
This is the movement of Tapas or Yoga Sadhana.