The Fire of the Goddess
From the book Yoga and the Sacred Fire by David Frawley (Lotus Press) I first discovered the Goddess as the
From the book Yoga and the Sacred Fire by David Frawley (Lotus Press) I first discovered the Goddess as the
Liberation: The Goal of Life The ultimate goal of human life is liberation or moksha, the realization of the Pure
The following article is authored by David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri) – Sri Yukteswar, the guru of Paramahansa Yogananda, in
The Mantra to the Supreme Light, Param Jyoti Mantra, is a famous and powerful Vedic, Vedantic and Tantric Mantra (OM
If we carefully examine the tradition of Shiva worship, we find something very different than the shadow of superstition often
The Vedas as Mantra Yoga The Vedas are mantric teachings that cannot be understood by the mere intellect. They consist
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