Earth Blessings for All
“May the sweet smile of the Goddess Durga, which is the stainless Light that illumines the Cosmos made of earth and water, drive far into the distance all our sorrow.”
~ Kavyakantha Ganapati Muni
वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम् (vasudhaiva kutumbakam)
The Vedic Sages state that the entire universe is truly one family. All that is animate and inanimate is part of the same boundless Self.
Connecting to the Divine Energy of Mother Earth
The Earth, Nature and we human beings have a common destiny and karma. If we do not connect to the Divine energy of the Earth, we will not understand nature’s cycles of renewal and transformation and our inner inspiration will remain closed. We will be caught in the outer transient world and its uncertainties and insecurities.
It is no secret that the environment plays a pivotal role in our daily lives and is the foundation for sacred karmic journey on Earth. It is our dharma to nurture and protect the many delicate ecosystems that keep our planet in balance, from the birds chirping in the morning to welcome the day, to the focused work of the bees that pollinate each blossom leading to our cherishing of every miraculous fruit we relish after its harvest.
Learn to connect with the blissful colors and aromas of wildflowers, the beauty and vitality of native plants and trees around you, and bring the magic of Nature into your daily awareness. Flowers sustain not just the butterflies and bees but nurture our spiritual heart as well, which is the ultimate flower and lotus.

Though Earth Day is celebrated annually we should revere Earth Day every morning with gratitude, thankfulness and a wish for peace and happiness for all living beings.
Embracing the Grace and Energy of Nature
Summer, fall, winter, spring, the seasons rotate, each bringing its special splendor to this Mother Earth who both sustains and inspires us. The creative cycles of nature give prana to our lives.
When we nurture Bhu Devi, Mother Earth, we celebrate our connection to the cosmic cycles she moves to and the levels of life that she holds. Bringing an awareness of a deep reverence for Mother Earth calls for restoring the flow of divine grace in every moment of life. Being in harmony with Mother Earth and Mother Nature draws us back to our childhood experiences of playing on the Earth, wishing upon a rainbow, looking at the sky. Mother Earth embraces and transforms all our joys and sorrows if we learn to trust in the living universe.
Planting and nurturing trees and flowers helps us to ground in the muladhara, our Earth chakra, and heal at a deeper core level. It awakens Mother Earth within us, bringing in her healing Prana.

Traditional Native and Indigenous cultures throughout the world open us to their ancient wisdom where we can connect deeply to the Earth, Nature, the Five Elements and the Cosmic Heavens. They sustain a reverence for the Earth, its mountains, rivers, rocks, plants, and animals, which we have forgotten in our current technological and urban era ruled by machines.
We must remember the vision of the great Yogis and Native Peoples everywhere who honor Mother Earth as the origin and support of all life and wisdom, within and around us. The role of every aware human being should be to protect and revere Nature, not to exploit and harm the Earth.
Opening to Mother Nature Within and Around Us
Being outdoors in Nature opens all inner doors for us. Connecting to Nature’s subtle vibrations, beauty, and exuberance, training ourselves to listen to its secret messages affords us a deep healing and nurturing of both our inner and outer being.
Nature moves in a continuous flow of anugraha, divine blessings through the light and the waters linked together in the clouds and the stars, but we fail to receive this grace if we remain trapped in the obsessions of our minds and egos..

Space and the sky are full of infinite wisdom and bliss, not simply empty or inanimate. Every sunrise and sunset is a new outpouring of boundless vitality and transcendence as is every night an embrace of universal peace.
Walking through the forests allows us to connect with the Prana of the trees. Trees have a magnetic healing power and create ‘sthira’ or calm stillness within us, sustaining our ascendending awareness.
We encourage you to share time with your community contemplating nature every day, recognizing and preserving its magnificence.
Bhumi Devi, the Mother Nature is honored in all sacred cultures and mystical traditions.

The Five Elements of Nature
Each of the five elements has its unique Shakti energy that we must learn to work with at both outer and inner levels to bring harmony and transformation. Spiritualizing the Elements in our lives allows us to enter into the aura of divinity around us, observing, healing, rejuvenating, restoring and celebrating our core existence.
SPACE has the power to open, expand and pervade our lives, removing all obstacles and attachments.
AIR has the power to move, stimulate and direct our lives, helping us to create and adapt.
FIRE has the power to burn, purify and transform us, and to help us ripen in warmth to a deeper unfolding.
WATER has the power to moisten, nurture and harmonize us in its gentle low.
EARTH has the power to support, uphold and stabilize us, our minds, heart and bodies.
We must integrate ourselves into the sphere of each great element, so it reflects our personal manifestation as part of the structure and fabric of the interdependent universe.
The physical body represents the earth and is our vehicle to fulfill our karma on earth. Revering, nurturing and caring for the body is an offering to our Earth Nature.
लोकः समस्ताः सुखिनो भवन्तु
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu
‘May all beings in the entire universe be happy and peaceful’
A beautiful Sanskrit mantra for world harmony.
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