Explore a wide range of books, eBooks, audiobooks, and other publications by the renowned
Dr. David Frawley (Acharya Vamadeva Shastri) and
Yogini Shambhavi. This remarkable collection spans over forty titles authored by Vamadeva across the past forty years, delving into the timeless teachings of the Vedic tradition, including Ayurveda, Yoga, Vedanta, Meditation, Jyotish (Vedic Astrology), and Tantra. Each work reflects their profound dedication to making Vedic knowledge accessible and relevant for modern seekers. New books are introduced yearly, ensuring the collection remains vibrant and continually expanding.
The collection features a wide range of Vedic books in English, thoughtfully designed to guide readers at every stage of their journey. Many titles have been translated into foreign editions, particularly for European audiences, further broadening their reach. These English editions, however, remain cornerstone resources for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of Vedic philosophy and spiritual practice. Ideal for both beginners and advanced students, the books provide practical insights and timeless wisdom, offering a holistic approach to life and self-discovery.